Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Vonage pwns Qwest

I finally dropped Qwest and picked up Vonage. The first thought that crossed my mind when I got it hooked up and running was "why didn't I do this sooner?" I got a free router and 1 month free service for signing up. I've noticed that the calls are a lot clearer with Vonage than Qwest. I used to get a lot of static before and now it's gone. I also like the Voicemail feature. Vonage will email me an mp3 attachment of each voicemail as it comes in. This means I can hear my voicemail from my laptop while at work and not have to wait until I get home or dial in. Another feature that I think is cool is the ability to move my router to any location with a broadband internet connection and be able to use a phone with that router as if I was at home. In other words, the router is my phone line. This means I can take my router with me on vacation and receive and make calls from it as if I were at home. The best part about Vonage is the cost. I am paying about 50% less to Vonage for more features than I did with Qwest. I would highly recommend Vonage to anybody considering it.