Monday, April 17, 2006

New Camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I got a new Olympus digital camera. I'm really excited to start taking pictures again especially now that it's springtime. I have only had the camera for a couple days but so far I'm pretty impressed with it. I decided to go with the Olympus Evolt e-500. I took the previous blog picture (buddha baby) with the new camera. I'll be taking a lot more and posting some of them up here. I also started a new web page through my ISP provider (comcast) located at I'll probably be posting most of the pictures there.

On a side note I increased my maximum benchpress weight up to 335lbs today - YEAH! I tried to get 345lbs up but I was too weak on the left side and required a little help from Eric who was spotting me. He said he didn't help very much and that I should be able to get 345 up soon.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A picture of me and the buddha baby