Sunday, June 12, 2005

F.E.A.R. & Battlefield 2

Instead of my ritualistic weekend of playing World of Warcraft till the wee hours of the morning, I decided to download 2 games that are soon coming out. F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Response Recon) and Battlefield 2. After playing World of Warcraft for almost 4 months it's hard to find a game that holds my attention as much as WoW has. That said I was pleasantly surprised to discover that both of these games were actually fun. I did not play either for a very long period of time but first reaction was good. Battlefield 2 does everything that 1942 and Vietnam titles did and more. The graphics were great and the gameplay was better. You've got to have more than just graphics to impress me and Battlefield 2's gameplay was awesome. My video card could not handle playing at high settings (5900FX) but at the medium settings it still looked great and played well. F.E.A.R. was a completely different feel than Battlefield. It is pure mayhem. My video card just plain sucked at high settings, and barely worked at medium. I had to play the game at 800x60032bit - which, by the way, I am embarrassed to admit. The game is a FP shooter but unlike Battlefield 2 which involves strategy and planning this game is a lightning fast fragfest. I can't count the number of times I died - I thought I was pretty good at FPS games, I have a pretty quick reflexes, but these guys I played against just totally wasted me. I can't imagine how good this game looks on a newer video card, but it's got to look good. Made me wish I had $500 lying around, but then again if I did would I really spend it on a video card? Probably not. Anyway I digress - my initial thoughts on Battlefield 2 are that I will be getting it when it comes out. Will I be buying F.E.A.R.? Possibly. That's all for now. PEACE!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Yesterday's Softball game

Well another softball night has come and gone. We won again but it was a close one, finishing up with an 18-12 win. It seemed like a lot of us were off our game - myself especially. I had 2 errors last night, I dropped a high ball that was hit out to me in right-center and let a ball go over my head. I also hit horribly. I try to just tap the ball and it ends up going all the way out to the outfielders. About halfway through the game I hit one between second and short and took off for first base. As I was nearing first base I suddenly felt a pop behind my right leg and then pain. I had pulled my hamstring AGAIN. This time it was much higher than right behind the knee. I ended up having to play out the rest of the game because of how we were doing substitutions. Today it hurts like mutha - going to be icing it all weekend to prepare for next week's game against the team we are tied with for first.