Friday, June 10, 2005

Yesterday's Softball game

Well another softball night has come and gone. We won again but it was a close one, finishing up with an 18-12 win. It seemed like a lot of us were off our game - myself especially. I had 2 errors last night, I dropped a high ball that was hit out to me in right-center and let a ball go over my head. I also hit horribly. I try to just tap the ball and it ends up going all the way out to the outfielders. About halfway through the game I hit one between second and short and took off for first base. As I was nearing first base I suddenly felt a pop behind my right leg and then pain. I had pulled my hamstring AGAIN. This time it was much higher than right behind the knee. I ended up having to play out the rest of the game because of how we were doing substitutions. Today it hurts like mutha - going to be icing it all weekend to prepare for next week's game against the team we are tied with for first.

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