Monday, April 17, 2006

New Camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I got a new Olympus digital camera. I'm really excited to start taking pictures again especially now that it's springtime. I have only had the camera for a couple days but so far I'm pretty impressed with it. I decided to go with the Olympus Evolt e-500. I took the previous blog picture (buddha baby) with the new camera. I'll be taking a lot more and posting some of them up here. I also started a new web page through my ISP provider (comcast) located at I'll probably be posting most of the pictures there.

On a side note I increased my maximum benchpress weight up to 335lbs today - YEAH! I tried to get 345lbs up but I was too weak on the left side and required a little help from Eric who was spotting me. He said he didn't help very much and that I should be able to get 345 up soon.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A picture of me and the buddha baby

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Currently reading:

XBOX 360 Overheating

My Xbox 360 is broken! My fear of my 360 overheating unfortunately came true. It all started with my Xbox locking up a couple times last month and then last week it happened every time I turned it on. I called Microsoft and they said it was still under warranty and sent out a box for me to ship it in. I just received an email from them stating that I should be getting it back on Friday just in time for the weekend. Hopefully this doesn't happen again, but if it does at least Microsoft is good and quick about fixing it.
Brother and sister.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

We had a healthy baby boy on February 22, 2006 - Christian Ikaika Lelepali. Named after his father's hero and brother. So far he's been a pleasure. My little man!

I Finally did it...

Ever since High School I have wanted to be able to benchpress 3 plates - 315lbs. I finally did it last week with Ammon, Adam, and Sam as my witnesses. I am pretty proud of myself considering about 6 months ago I was having trouble putting up anything over 245. I owe it all to hard work, Dymatize Mega Milk (protein shake), Cytosport Muscle Milk (protein shake), and Xpand (creatine) and my buddies from work who kept pushing me. My next goal: 400...
I installed some Aura Bass Shakers in the Walmart recliners I got for Christmas - they work pretty darn well!
I got some new posters for the room. I now have a comic book superhero theme going on. Check em out.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Vonage pwns Qwest

I finally dropped Qwest and picked up Vonage. The first thought that crossed my mind when I got it hooked up and running was "why didn't I do this sooner?" I got a free router and 1 month free service for signing up. I've noticed that the calls are a lot clearer with Vonage than Qwest. I used to get a lot of static before and now it's gone. I also like the Voicemail feature. Vonage will email me an mp3 attachment of each voicemail as it comes in. This means I can hear my voicemail from my laptop while at work and not have to wait until I get home or dial in. Another feature that I think is cool is the ability to move my router to any location with a broadband internet connection and be able to use a phone with that router as if I was at home. In other words, the router is my phone line. This means I can take my router with me on vacation and receive and make calls from it as if I were at home. The best part about Vonage is the cost. I am paying about 50% less to Vonage for more features than I did with Qwest. I would highly recommend Vonage to anybody considering it.