Sunday, March 02, 2008

Teh Sick!

The past couple of days have been pretty rough for the Lelepali kids. First Makena and Christian came down with colds that have been getting progressively worse and then yesterday we took Kat in to get seen for an ugly cough and find out she may have RSV. The doctor says that by the time it takes to test for it we will already know from her symptoms so he is going to treat it as if it were RSV. Kat is about 4 weeks old so he wants to have us ccome in every day to get checked. If she starts to get really laborious breathing then he will meet us up at Primary Children's Hospital. That is worse case scenario and we are hoping that it doesn't get that bad.
This brings is to last night. Makena's cold appears to have turned into an ear infection. She was crying all night because of the pain. I felt bad because there was really nothing we could do for her besides telling her we would take her to the doctor in the morning. If that wasn't enough, Christian's cold started to bring his asthma out and he was wheezing like a broken accordian. We gave him his asthma treatment and then he feel asleep. Between Makena's crying, Christian's wheezing and Kat's fussiness and coughing I think we finally got to sleep around 4:00 in the morning. As much as I hate the Instacare, Angela has taken Makena there this morning because it's Sunday. Christian will most likely be making a doctor visit tomorrow along with Kat. Gotta love the cold/flu season!


Anonymous said...

Well, look who's posting again! :) Hope all is well there. Let us know if you need any help!

Hagoth L said...

We made it out of the woods finally, thanks for the support cuz!

brohammas said...

my favorite is a 2 yr. old with upset stomach. they get all cudly and you end up doing more laundry than you ever thought possible. mmmmm, kid puke cologne, yummy.

small world eh?