Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bring the pain!

Two posts in one week! I'm going for a record here folks!
So I've been trying to get into my 2-a-days again and I thought, why suffer through this alone? I decided to see if I could get my cousin Spammon to join me. We used to lift together until he moved jobs a couple years ago. He was actually the one that got me lifting again after my mission. So in my pursuit of entering a powerlifting meet sometime early next year (TBD) I have recruited his help in this endeavor. Yesterday was day one with the Spammon. As you can see here we worked the deadlift. I am not in the habit of filming myself lifting but it seems like these days everyone is doing it so why the heck not? This was more of a form check to see if I am actually doing them properly. What I did notice was 1. my deadlift form needs improvement, 2. I have a huge spare tire and 3. I need to get a home gym setup like Spammon's (shown in the video). Here is the video for comedy's sake:


Spammon said...

There's only one thing wrong in this video. That would be that I'm about 300lbs short on weight for you to properly show your deadlifts. Thanks for waking my muscles out of hibernation. No thanks for the pain I am feeling today.

Hagoth L said...

I have the video of you also but, according to your wish, I have left that part out. And no, that is plenty of weight for me. It won't be long until you are out lifting me.

lindsey said...

I recognize that dungeon, sorry about the weird musty smell down there. :)

Good job managing that weight. And I'm jealous that Ammon is a nice spotter for you, when he helps me lift, he's mean, like a drill sergeant.

Hagoth L said...

Linds, he's only nice to me because he wants me to keep coming back. Once I get into the habit he's going to beat the @#%$% out of me.

Spammon said...

I'm going to start some HGH this week. Wish me luck. I'm making it in my basement out of some type of African ostrich hormone.

And I usually become the drill sergeant after I have lifted so I don't get the same in return.

Corbie said...

Two-a-days, huh? I could bring you guys Otter Pops like we used to do for the football players in high school.

Hagoth L said...

Yeah! Otter pops and watermelon! Those days seem like ages ago...

Corbie said...

Well, that's why I only offered Otter Pops. Once you turn 30, there is no way you are cutting up fresh fruit for a bunch of dudes.

Doré said...

Shouldn't you be wearing shoes in case you drop something on your foot?

Emma said...

Nice lifting. I think I could lift the bar with nothing on it ;).
Maybe you should listen to a Beatles song while you lift...HAHA! Just kidding.
Keep up the good work, but don't hurt/strain any muscles!

brohammas said...

Know the best remedy for sore muscles??


That and not lifting heavy things anymore.

Hagoth L said...

Brohammas, you ain't kidding about the kava. I have a bunch of kava pills Spammon left me when he changed jobs. I've been tempted to open them up and make a little bowl of kava.