Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Just A Little Itch

So I got prescribed some amoxycillin for my root canal so that nothing gets infected. Last night around 10:00 I decided to take my first one. I go downstairs and settle into my chair to get a little WoW in. About an hour later I notice that I'm scratching my neck - no big deal just a little itch. About 30 minutes after that I'm scratching my hands and fingers. Now I start to think something is up. I stand up and I feel a little dizzy and there's a ring in my ears. So I rub my ears and notice they feel slightly warm. It was about 11:30 maybe 12 so I logout of WoW and head upstairs to tell Angela that my ears are warm and my fingers are super itchy. I get up there and she takes one look at me and says "OH MY GOSH!". I go look in the mirror and my neck is bright red and puffy from my ears to my chest. I go back out into the front room and sit down and then it set in like wildfire. I started scratching all over the place and just puffed up everywhere that I touched. I immediately assume that it's the amox. that's doing it. I was allergic to penicillin when I was a kid but I thought I was over that - guess not! I tried to lay down and go to sleep and not think about the itch but it was impossible. I scratched and scratched until it hurt and then I scratched some more. It didn't go away until about 2:30 in the morning, and that's when I finally got to sleep. Worst night I've had in a long time.

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