Sunday, September 07, 2008

Another One

Well, let's see it's been almost 3 months since my last post so I guess it's about time for me to get on this thing and make another one. While I may try to pretend to be as good a blogger as my cousins and friends let's not lie - I suck. Bad. So this will just be an updater to what has happened in the world of Hagoth. Ok what do I remember the most about the past three months... oh - Christian's cousin pushed him down and he cut his forehead open. A couple hours in the ER and he was all stitched up. Let's not talk about the fact that Angela and I were supposed to be watching The Dark Knight on IMAX in the cushy leather seats with the tickets I had purchased A MONTH IN ADVANCE. Oh well at least the little guy was ok, he's a tough kid, just like his mom. Ok I went on a week long camp with the scouts up in the Uinta's. The 2.5 mile hike with an 80+lb pack on my back kicked the shiz out of me. Yes I am a wimp and have no wind - I lift weights at the gym, I don't run on the treadmill. Ok what else... oh my little sister had a miscarriage at 17 weeks (I think). She had a pretty scary experience and had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance. She lost a lot of blood and her blood pressure was dangerously low. I'm glad she is ok, but I'm sad for her loss. Anything else... oh I think I gained back all the weight I lost on the weeklong scout camp and then some. Gotta start lifting twice a day again to get this dang weight off... That concludes my quarterly post. I leave you with a picture of Christian Ikaika.


Doré said...

I almost didn't check your blog today cuz I figured there wouldn't be anything new....but sweet! a quarterly update. I like the picture of Christian. What are the kids up to these days? Still enjoying the jumpoline?

brohammas said...

Your pics are good.
I havent lifted a weight in like 3 years, unless you count my butt. It is pretty heavy.

I run 4 miles every morning and havent dropped a pound. Where was all this weight when I needed it?